Find the joy in the journey to the best version on you. Its not about the destination; it's about the daily choices you make.

Our Services




Discovery Call

one-on-one counseling sessions


By booking a discovery call you can talk freely about your journey with nutrition and how we can discuss the potential you have to grow, build, or rebuild with soulful nutrition.  We will paint the picture of the life you deserve with the foundations we can lay down TOGETHER.

On your schedule we will enhance your empowerment, knowledge, and your life through guided experience by our founder and Registered Dietitian and Licensed Nutritionist.  The reward is never ending from how you look, feel, and embark on your new most healthiest you.

Soulful Nutrition will always be delivering you the most recent evidenced-based knowledge in the most user friendly way to all our clients to propel their journey's whether it's to rediscover your relationship with your health or maintain what you have built. 

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I'm so glad your here, 

The gap between the life you want and the life you are living is called mindset, focus, and consistency.

It is my most fulfilling part of life to share my expertise and passion for the amazing life altering effects of nutrition.

I believe the value of nutrition lies in each unique individual.  It drives my life differently than it does yours and the next person because it truly is soul food.  That is why I created "Soulful Nutrition" because it is a vital and direct aspect that connects and enhances all aspects of life.  This is why One-size-fits-all approaches will never work.  You are an complex and incredible unique YOU. That's why this journey will work hand-in-hand with all that in mind to build sustainable practices that work and are only for you.

 Lia Fricke MS RD LDN

Book a discovery call

Are you ready to start fueling your soul?


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